Dr Alexandra Lewis is a consultant psychiatrist, trained in both forensic and child and adolescent psychiatry and specialising in the assessment and management of offenders with neurodevelopmental disorders. For the last 20 years, she has primarily worked in the criminal justice secure… Continue reading →
Alice received her PhD in Criminology and Law from the University of Sheffield in July 2021. She was awarded the N8 Policing Research Studentship to complete her research, which investigated the effects of neurotypical police practices on the policing of… Continue reading →
At Crime In Mind, we are professionals concerned with the psychological and medical roots of crime. Particular problems are crimes of violence and sexual crimes. Research has been conducted into the causes of crimes such as these but as we… Continue reading →
Heidi is a Consultant Adolescent Forensic Psychiatrist, North West London FCAMHS She has a dual training in child and adolescent psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. Much of her work has focused on adolescent forensic mental health but she has also worked in… Continue reading →